This match has ended.We will update match highlights soon.
Chicago Fire FC II
No. Name
70 Patrick Los
55 Omari Glasgow
43 Jaylen Shannon
16 Wyatt Omsberg
42 Diego Konincks
37 Javier Casas
54 Lamonth Rochester
35 Sergio Oregel
45 Harold Osorio
48 David Poreba
50 Christian Koffi
47 Billy Hency
59 Romain Blake
44 Jason Shokalook
51 David Tchétchao
46 Juan Calle
78 Bryan Dowd
64 Christopher Cupps
Forward Madison FC
No. Name
99 Martin Sanchez
5 Timmy Mehl
2 Michael Chilaka
16 Jacob Crull
22 Stephen Payne
10 Aiden Mesias
6 John Murphy
7 Wolfgang Prentice
24 Nazeem Bartman
20 Agustín Dávila
14 Mauro Cichero
19 Juan Galindrez
17 Derek Gebhard
25 Ferrety Sousa
21 Jimmie Villalobos
26 Jake Fuderer
1 Bernd Schipmann
4 Mitchell Osmond


Chicago Fire FC II

  When the odds are 2.1 the expected chance of winning is 32%, but this team actually wins 40% matches with these odds.

Forward Madison FC

  When the odds are 1.05 the expected chance of winning is 49%, but this team actually wins 25% matches with these odds.


  • Start time: 2024-04-04 00:00:00
  • Competition: US Open Cup - Round: 2